Oklahomans are REALLY terrible at two things: driving and driving in the rain. At least once a drive, I wonder out loud who gave all of these awful drivers a license when clearly they should be limited to Ubering. Nothing can make me go from happy to fuming quicker than someone who drives poorly in my presence. And I know I'm not the only one out here who feels the same way. The following is a list of the most infuriating people on the road. Read it. Study it. Recognize if you are one of these people. Most importantly, change your ways if you are.
1. People who drive slow in the left lane.
I should never have to drive 10 under in the fast lane. Ever. So all of people out there who think it's cute to drive under the speed limit, especially on a highway, especially in the left lane, get a dictionary. That is not cute. In fact, it can be kind of dangerous and I'm going to honk at you until you get over or speed up. #sorrynotsorry
2. People who hesitate at green lights.
If you're in front of me at a stoplight when it turns green, you have approximately four seconds to react and press the gas pedal before I am questioning your abilities. If you're paying attention, you should be able to react to a green light in a timely manner.
3. People who don't use turn signals
I really wish there was a way for drivers to communicate where they are going with other drivers. Oh wait, there is! USE YOUR TURN SIGNALS! Seriously, it's not hard and you can prevent people behind you from slamming on their breaks because you decided at the last minute to break and turn without signaling.
4. People who cut the line.
I will actually roll down my window and yell at people if they try to cut me off and cut in line. I know you saw the construction warnings 2 miles ago. I know you were fully aware of the traffic going down to one lane when you decided to keep on driving. I know you think I should let you in this line instead of honking at you, but you're wrong. Just wait it out like everyone else. Don't be that guy. Literally everyone hates you.
And topping the list we have...
5. Old people.
Old people top my list for several reasons. They normally commit several driving offenses all at once. They drive slower than slow in the left lane, they cut people off because they can't see anything, and they never punch the gas at green lights. An old lady once stopped her car in the middle of the street, put it in reverse, and backed into my stopped car. And then told the insurance I rear ended her. NOPE. I have about zero tolerance for old people who drive poorly. You are definitely old enough to know better and should be stopped.
Honestly, writing this post and thinking about all of the terrible drivers out there gave me road rage while sitting on my couch. We all had to drive somewhat well to earn our license the first time, so I don't understand why it all goes down hill for some people. Just know if you are one of these people, I will honk at you, and I won't feel bad about it.