I remember getting my first tattoo. I had just turned 18, and let me tell you, many people tried to stop me. I got the usual, "You're too young to know if this is really what you want," "It won't look professional," "What are you going to do when you try to get a job," and of course, "You're going to regret it when you get older."
Initially, these statements didn't bother me. I had my opinion, and others had theirs; however, that all changed when I saw a group of people petitioning for tattoos, piercings and unique hair color to be accepted in the workplace at the 2017 Vans Warped Tour. I wasn't upset that they were petitioning. I was upset that they had to.
We live in a generation where we shouldn't have to petition for tattoos, piercings and "unnatural" hair colors to be accepted in the workplace. They just should be.
I grew up being taught that judging a book by its cover is never the appropriate thing to do. So, are you telling me prohibiting a person from getting a job due to them having color in their hair or ink on their skin isn't judging a book by it's cover?
People make it seem as if these things impact a person's work ethic. I can promise you, my 6 tattoos, nose and septum piercing do not keep my hands from moving and feet from walking. The day that they do is the day that I will find it acceptable for you not to hire me because of them.
Now, this isn't to say that every workplace finds tattoos and piercings unacceptable, but many of them do.
Yes, I can cover my tattoos when necessary. Yes, I can cover my piercings when needed. But I believe that I shouldn't have to.
Many people make quick assumptions when they see a person who fits this category. Maybe they think that they are a dropout or that they are a junkie, all because they want to have a sleeve of tattoos and express themselves in a way some people disagree with. People are quick to categorize you based off of your appearance.
Times have changed and we have to accept that. Things that were once unheard of, such as seeing people with a lot of tattoos, are things that are very relevant today. We have to transform our minds to understand that.
I think making these quick assumptions shows more about your character than it does the person that you are judging.
My tattoos tell you nothing about my work abilities or what I am capable of. I go to the University of South Carolina where I am studying to be in a field that I admire. You would never know that if you turn me away because I look a little differently from you.
I choose to have tattoos and a couple of piercings because I love them! I love being able to wear beautiful jewelry and show off that crazy skills that my tattoo artist has. I think art is beautiful and I don't see the problem in expressing that through allowing it to be stained into my skin.
My tattoos do not define me. I promise you, you should not be afraid of who I am because of them. I'm not a scary person just because I have tattoos. I still love pastel flowers and reading books during my free time. My tattoos don't change that.
The ink on my skin means something to me. They are stories and they are the talent someone else was able to use to express that for me.
I think it all comes down to change. People are afraid of those who aren't afraid to be unique and express change. Maybe tattoos and piercings aren't the way that you would choose to do that, but I love telling stories through the artwork that I put on my body, and there is nothing wrong with that. If it isn't for you, that's OK! It doesn't have to be. But we should all be accepting of one another because of our individuality. Not judge one another because of it.
So yes, I will continue supporting my local tattoos artists. Yes, I will continue working hard in everything that I do. No, my tattoos do not prevent me from doing that.
We don't have to agree with one another, but let's accept one another.