Growing up as the girl who has always been seen as skin and bones is not easy. People make comments saying either I'm really skinny, or I'm too skinny.
I am not any skinnier than the next girl. I am just proportioned differently.
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Of course, when people see me in public and my body figure catches their eyes, they always seem to ask how I keep my figure and if I ever actually eat. To answer that question, I like to sit on my lazy butt and eat lots and lots of unhealthy food, and of course I eat, I would be dead if I didn't. No, I don't go to the gym in my spare time. To be completely honest with you, I don't remember the last time I saw the inside of a gym. Even when I walk into the gym, I am that girl that you see flipping through songs on my phone and trying to find the best selfie to post on Instagram to let people like you believe that I like to workout in my spare time.
No, I don't wear a size zero and personally, I don't think that I ever have. There is more to me than just skin and bones. There is fat on my body, you just don't see it.
No, I haven't gone through a "chubby" stage and to be honest, I don't think that I will. I am not saying this to make myself look good or make anyone look lesser than me, it is what it is. I have a high metabolism and it has always helped me stay small.
The fact that I am super skinny should not a be a reason to body shame me or make fun of my weight. I have seen pictures on social media talking about how nobody wants to cuddle with a pile bones or that only "real" women have curves.
No, I don't have curves. But, that really is not my fault. I do not watch what I eat, I usually eat unhealthy food all day and I probably eat more than you or more than I probably should. I may not look like it. but I love food and trust me, food loves me too. If I am sitting in my room alone at night, I am usually eating a bag of sour cream and cheddar chips, all to myself, with a caffeine free pop.
My point is, I am skinny and I am completely aware of it. But, that should not be something I am ashamed of. It shouldn't be something people question me about. I shouldn't be worried that you will comment about my body behind my back. When I decide to go on social media, I should not have to see that men don't want to cuddle with me because I don't have curves or that I am a pile of bones.
If you are that person that comments about people's weight or body figures, STOP. You don't know them and I don't know you. You have no facts to back up what you are saying. As mommy always said, "if you don't have anything nice to say then don't say anything at all." I get I am skinny, get over it.