What is it like being a Catholic in toady's world? Well, it can be hard. Many people of today's generation seem to look down upon those who choose to be part of this religion. It's not the popular thing to do. We have to do things that aren't considered "fun" like: go to church every weekend (and sometimes during the week if there is a holy day of obligation), go to confession, and go to religious classes. We also aren't allowed to do things that have become the norm today like: have sex before marriage. There are some people who would consider us prude for still following these "outdated" rules. Then there are the people who assume things. They think Catholics are homophobic, Islamophobic, judgmental, etc. Even though there are Catholics out there like that, it's not the whole religion. It is certain individuals.
I am what people call a "cradle Catholic." I've been going to church since day one. I've also done the classic Catholic thing and went to private school from kindergarten through 8th grade. Once I entered public high school, I took religious education classes once a week. I had my first confession in first grade, first communion in 2nd grade, and was confirmed my junior year of high school. Throughout these years, I have met many people who roll their eyes when they hear about my religion. Some assumed I was only being so dedicated to the faith because I had to. They told me I would probably stop going to church when I went to college and was on my own. Admittedly, that idea was appealing for a long time. Going to church every weekend was getting in the way of me hanging out with my friends. Going to my religion classes was really boring. I believed we had too many rules, that the church was being too strict. Really, I just felt alone. Only one of my friends was Catholic, and she really wasn't practicing. Most weren't even religious, and those that were never went to church.
I told myself that the religion was stupid. I still believed in God, but I just didn't see the point of church. I said that as soon as I got out of the house, I would never go to church again. Then, I went to a Steubenville Catholic Youth Conference for a weekend. That one weekend changed my entire perspective of the Catholic faith. I realized I wasn't alone. At that conference, there were 3,000 teens and young adults who were alive in the Catholic faith. And our conference wasn't the only one! There were so many others going on around the entire world, all with thousands of teens showing their love for God. There was also World Youth Day that hosts hundreds of thousands of young Catholics who are excited about their faith. From then on, I wanted to be a Catholic. Church wasn't boring, it was an exciting time where I could be one with God.
Of course, there were still critics. And it still is discouraging when people can't respect my choices. I don't need physical proof that God exists. I know it in my heart. No, I am not homophobic. Even though the Catholic Church believes that marriage is between one man and one woman, we do not believe in persecuting those who make the choice to be with someone of the same sex. We do not have to agree with everyone's choices, we just have to accept that people make them. That is what I do. I have friends who are part of the LGBTQ community. They know about my faith and they know how I feel about it. That doesn't stop us from being friends. No, I do not go around telling people they are going to Hell for not following my beliefs. I realize that not everyone is Catholic. Not everyone believes in God. I cannot force them to live by my church's rules if they simply do not believe. No, I do not believe you have to be Catholic to get into Heaven. I believe that everyone who has a faith has their own way to worship and have a relationship with God.
In the end, I still going to have my beliefs, and nobody can change that. However, the stereotypes of the Catholics need to end. Instead of just assuming, people should get to know a person. Of course there are going to be homophobic, atheist-hating people. That is not the entire church nor does it mirror our beliefs. We believe as Jesus said, to love one another as he loves us. Not everyone follows that, but humans aren't perfect.
There are many who say the Catholic religion will go extinct, as many other religions have. I say that even if that happens, as long as I am alive, there will still be at least one Catholic in this world.