Yellowstone National Park; a beautiful, fun and amazing place to visit. The scenery is breathtaking, the smell of sulphur overwhelms everything, but the geysers are so beautiful the smell hardly stirs a thought in our minds. Wild animals roam and put up with us humans as we snap pictures and “oh” and “aw” at them. I am sure everyone has heard recently of the tragedies in Yellowstone. The tragic loss of life for both humans and animals.
Let’s start with the father and son who for some reason thought it was a good idea to put a wild bison calf in the trunk of their Toyota. Seriously people!! They defended themselves by saying that it looked cold and like it was freezing to death. Okay, first off, it is a wild animal. Let’s have some common sense please. It lives in the wild, it has parents who take care of it and would not just leave it to freeze. I am sure that if the dad would have just looked up he would have seen the herd not too far off. Second, the temperature for that day was 39 degrees, so that bison literally could not freeze to death. It was almost 40 degrees! And to put the poor thing in a car? Like come on people, please explain the logic behind that! Thanks to you that bison is now dead because you got your smelly scent all over it and the herd would not take it back. Thanks guys!
Now let us talk about the numerous people who have fallen into a hot pot in the park. First, I would like to give my condolences; it is very tragic and something that should not be taken lightly. On the other hand, why were you off the board walk in the first place? There are signs all around that clearly state not to step off the boardwalk. That is not just for fun people! No one can argue that there are no signs because I have been there personally and have seen them. What could propel a person to decide that it was a good idea to walk across the thin crust that covers insanely hot water? I mean the water is so hot that no remains of the people’s bodies were ever found! I just cannot even wrap my mind around the fact that someone thought it would be a good idea to go sit in one of the hot pots. Yes there are plenty of places in Yellowstone to relax in the pots. But not the ones that are right off the boardwalk that has clearly marked signs saying how hot the water is.
I am seriously worried about our society and the lack of common sense we as a whole have. Now I understand that a few of us still remain with the rare gift of common sense, but for the most part, it is hopeless. Our national parks will have to be shut down because people cannot leave the poor wild animals alone. Which, by the way, they are wild animals! They will attack and they will kill you. So stay away from them. To those of you thinking it is a good idea to step off the boardwalk, just don’t. You are ruining the fun for the rest of us. Thanks.