Everyone, no matter what, should always wake up feeling blessed. God gave us another day. God gave us another chance to prove to ourselves life is worth it.
Well, most of us begin our days pretty refreshed. It’s a new beginning. In my case, I wake up. I get dressed. I take my daily dose of coffee, and I’m out the door before you know it. What people fail to realize is that all the decisions we make from the time we open our eyes, get ourselves ready, and leave sets a standard. What we do, in terms of what and how much we eat, how we get ourselves dressed, not only does it affect ourselves, but the people around us. If I’m not lazy (LOL which is hardly never), I like to shower in the morning, put a face on (aka make-up), and put on my nice clothes. To me, if I look good, I feel good, which will cause me to be more confident in all that I do. We humans love to have the attention on ourselves. We want to show other people up. That’s why, by day, I am the definition of Yeezy. I may care about what people think of me deep down, but I’m not going to show it. I look in the mirror and I am confident. If you don’t walk out that door with a happy, confident attitude about yourself, you’re guaranteed a bad day. That’s why you have to focus on you before anyone or anything else.
We all know 'Ye can be an asshole. He is more likely to be on the arrogant and conceited side of things, but he speaks truth. He speaks reality. No matter what, all you can do and be is your best self. No one can take that away from you. That’s why, like him, I like to go out and not give a f*ck about what others think about me. Like him, I’m going to show the world I am confident. There is no weakness to me because I don’t want to be the best, I am the best. Therefore, I am thankful each and every day I wake up, but if at the end of the day I want to cry because my day was so bad, then so be it too. There’s a balance for everything, right?
In reality, I wish I could be Yeezy all the time. However,I am one to have a lot of feelings and emotions. I do care about how others perceive me. That’s why, when I’m ready to call it a night, my Drizzy side comes into play. This is the time I’m in my “sweatpants, hair tied, chillin’ with no make-up on” mode. In the comfort of my home, I no longer have to prove myself to others. I can essentially be my true self. Not that I am not my true self by day, but it’s different when you’re in private. I become one with my emotions. I start thinking about my day and how it has impacted my life. It doesn’t stop there. I think about my whole life in general. I think about the tremendous amount of school work I must do, friends that I don’t have, and the exes that never called. You name it, I’ve thought about it and sunk in a deeper hole of misery. Then, not saying that I’ve done it before, I listen to Drake and really feel bad about myself because his music is literally the epitome of everything sad. Although, it’s still awesome music. Everyone can get into their feels, I am no different. It just tends to creep up during the darkness of the night, when you’re just up late and thinking.
By all means, I am not 100% perfect. I still have goals I want to achieve and a vision I want to conquer. You’re not going to see me struggle to get there, but I’ll definitely be feeling it on the inside. Therefore, I radiate my Yeezy by day. The no f*cks given attitude is what you’ll see because again, it’s about me. If I believe in myself, no one can tear me down. That is, until I start overthinking *cue sad Drake song while eating a whole pint of ice cream.* I still think life is about balance. A little Yeezy here, a little Drizzy there, and BOOM, you are the best of both worlds.