As New Years is quickly approaching, New Years Resolutions are too. Every year we all vow to become more fit, study harder, and do all these things that we end up giving up on within the month. Here are a few ideas for New Years Resolutions that you may actually be able to keep!
1. Take More Risks
Every day we are faced with challenges, unfamiliar, or uncomfortable situations. Some days more than others, but these challenges are always present. Instead of going with the obvious choice that makes you the most comfortable think about it first. Maybe try something new that you've been interested in, but never had the courage to commit to. Embrace new experiences, or at least take time out of your day to seriously think about it instead of acting on instinct.
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2. Get to Know the People In Your Classes
A new semester means new classes, and that means new people. Instead of walking into a lecture hall looking for someone you know, find someone you don't. Sit next to a stranger, get to know them. Who knows if they'll become a new friend, or that person you can lean on for finals week help. Instead of clinging on to the few people you know, move around and get to know the many you don't.
3. Volunteer Your Time
In today's modern society, we live busy lives and are often focused on the long list of things we need to accomplish. Spare time is something hard to come by, unless you truly look for it. We become blinded by the busy lives we lead to see that so many are in need. Take that one extra Saturday morning to volunteer, and make someone else's day a little bit easier. You may find a new passion, and you may just find helping other's is a gift in itself.
4. Take A Break From Social Media
As college students, we are constantly checking up on each other. Seeing who went where for winter break, who's dating who, and who wore what to semi. Take a step back and think about how much we invest ourselves in other people's lives. Try deleting a social media app for a week or a few days. Every now and then go MIA, and see what else you can do with that time you used to spend on social media.
5. Learn To Be Okay With Being Alone
When was the last time you just enjoyed time by yourself? When was the last time you went to a café and just had a coffee alone? Maybe this year you learn how to be okay with being alone. Sit in a crowded dining hall by yourself, or sit alone in the library with a good book. It can be intimidating at first, but being okay by yourself can be a huge step forward in self growth! Get to know yourself!
6. Read A Book
Students get so caught up in the endless textbooks required for classes that they often forget reading is meant to be enjoyable. Make a list of three or so books that you want to read for fun. You have a whole year to read them! Bring it everywhere with you. Whenever you have a spare few moments, take it out. Read it when you're stopped in bumper to bumper traffic, or when you're waiting to meet up with a friend. Fall in love with reading again.
New Years Resolutions don't have to be hard! Take time to think about little things like these, that can make a world of difference!