Happy New Year! 2016 was definitely an interesting year, to say the least. This past year brought me heartbreak as well as happiness. Although I can say that I am not eager to recount the events of the past year, I can say, however, that this year involved a lot of personal growth. So, in the spirit of rebirth and new beginnings, I have decided to make a list of goals that I want to achieve within the new year. Although we are roughly one week into 2017, I figured that now is as good a time as any. I do have a habit of breaking my resolutions, so I decided to make a short list of attainable "goals" in an attempt to actually accomplish what I set out to do.
1. Stop Relying on Others to Make Myself Happy
I have made it a habit to let what others think/say about me affect my happiness. 2016 was full of instances in which my self-confidence was shaken by the opinion of others. I have made it a goal to stop relying on outward sources for affirmation and acceptance. In 2017, I am going to start looking for happiness within myself.
2. Stop Second Guessing Myself and my Intelligence
I spent most of 2016 stressing about my academic future, and it completely drove me crazy. I am currently a student in college, and my first semester proved to be no joke. 2016 forced me to reevaluate my perceived "intelligence" in comparison to many other academically gifted students. I began comparing myself to others, and it just led to a complete loss of confidence in my academic abilities. So, no more! In 2017, I am vowing to start giving myself credit, and not believe that my intelligence rests upon my GPA or final exam score.
3. Make an Effort to Be More Social
It is no secret that I am not the most extroverted of
people, and 2016 did nothing to prove that wrong. I spent most of the year
alone (ok I'm not emo, but just a lil antisocial), and I promised myself that I
would make a conscious effort to leave my comfort zone and attempt to interact
with those around me. I have my close friends, but I rarely ever make an effort
to socialize with others outside of my group.
So, 2017 is going to be the year in which I finally stop letting my introverted nature control my life.
Although my list is short, I know that it is going to take a lot of effort to accomplish what I have set out to do this year. 2017 is going to be a year of trials and tribulations, but I am excited to see what it has in store!