These seven resolutions for 2017, as told by the stars who passed away this year, are the goals that I will try to accomplish, both in 2017 and in the many years to follow. Hopefully, you will join me in these goals and lessons that these great celebrities have taught us.
1. Become satisfied with every day
"There are people who are unhappy with everything." - Prince
To be happy every minute of every day is obviously impossible, but to find happiness and to be content with things that are given to us? It seems like it should be quite easy. The whining, complaining, and nit-picking seems to be a trait that would benefit most of us if we left it in 2016.
2. Be more scared
"He who is not courageous enough to take risks will accomplish nothing in life." -Muhammad Ali
Taking risks is one of the challenges that many people tell us to do, and we never do it. Too often, it seems, the face of fear, danger, and rejection stops us from taking a leap of faith to get what we truly need in our lives. Therefore, in 2017, we can take a chance, by auditioning for the musical, applying for a new job, making the first move in a relationship, even initiating change in our own lives.
3. Stay positive
"I've never responded well to entrenched negative thinking." - David Bowie
Negative thinking often gets the better of most people.We are so worried about what could go wrong, what would happen if this happens, what so-and-so is thinking about us- we need to stop it. Negative thinking does absolutely nothing for our circumstances, and lowers the chance of a positive outcome or being mentally healthy.
4. Don't be afraid of failure
"The only way you learn is by failure." - Debbie Reynolds
Failure is not necessarily a bad thing. True, you cannot keep failing over and over again and expect it to be okay, but failure once in a while is nothing more than a learning experience. It shows room to grow, and the ability you have to do better next time. To be afraid of failure is less healthy than failure itself.
5. Have no regrets
"I've had a very good life and a very good career. I have no regrets." -Gene Wilder
Regrets are demons, sometimes small, sometimes enormous, that can eat us from the inside out. Many regrets have no way of being solved, but some have a solution. The solution may not be obvious, but to talk to a person you have regrets with, to apologize and make amends, could be one step of many in getting rid of your regrets.
6. Be less serious
"I do take my work seriously, and the way to do that is not to take yourself too seriously." - Alan Rickman
Often times, we forget that life is too short to not relax and have some fun. Instead of overworking yourself, consider relaxing or doing something with friends. If you take yourself too seriously, refuse to laugh, never want to do anything, a life of seriousness and boredom may result.
7. Pay attention to mental health
"I am mentally ill. I can say that. I am not ashamed of that." - Carrie Fisher
With the everyday stress of life, peers, work, and the future, our mental health may be pushed to the side to make room for productivity and organization. This, however, is not healthy at all. If mental health continues to be ignored, these issues will eventually build up and make life harder than it needs to be. This is why mental health should be valued.
Hopefully, some of these goals and aspirations can help to change your 2017. Happy New Year, everyone. Make it a good one.