The New Year’s Resolutions You Shouldn’t Bother Making | The Odyssey Online
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The New Year’s Resolutions You Shouldn’t Bother Making

It’s that time of year again. The Christmas presents are officially put away in their new homes and ABC Family has ended their 25 Days of Christmas.

The New Year’s Resolutions You Shouldn’t Bother Making

It’s that time of year again. The Christmas presents are officially put away in their new homes and ABC Family has ended their 25 Days of Christmas. This time of the year also signals the time that commercials, talk shows and websites (like this one) begin to ask you if you have your New Year’s Resolutions ready.

The other commercials, talk shows and websites will tell you all the resolutions you can make that you will have the easiest time keeping, the ones that are the most fun and the ones that are the most important.

Well, I am not the other guys.

We all know that in the first week of January we have the best of intentions of keeping our New Year’s Resolution but by January 15 we have moved on. So these are the Top 10 New Year’s Resolution you shouldn’t bother making.

1. Getting into shape.

This is a great New Year’s Resolution – if you are doing it for the right reasons. If you are making this your New Year’s Resolution because you feel like it’s the thing to do or because everybody else is telling you that you should then you will NEVER EVER be able to keep to it. If you do make this resolution make sure you are doing it because you want to get into shape and because you want to be a new you.

2. Read your reading list this semester.

Let’s be honest has anyone ever actually read their entire reading list for a class? Nope. So why bother making this a resolution? Part of making New Year’s Resolutions is being honest with yourself – if you make this resolution you aren’t being honest with yourself.

3. Stop procrastinating.

Again be honest – there is so much going on in our lives that procrastinating is almost a means of survival. There is no way that one person can be involved in four clubs, take 16 credits, and have an active social life without procrastinating a little bit. This isn’t an opinion it’s math.

4. Earn more money.

This would require getting a job or an internship that pays (hahaha that’s funny). Unless you can guarantee that you will have a new job by the end of 2016 I wouldn’t make this resolution.

5. Sleep more.

You only do college once – what’s the point of sleeping through it? Sleep once you graduate and have to be an adult.

6. Watch less TV.

Does that mean actual TV or Netflix? If you plan on giving up either good luck, you must like reading or something.

7. Become more organized/become tidier.

You are an organized person or you aren’t an organized person, there is no in between. I wish I could tell you there was an easy way to become an organized person but there isn’t.

8. Give up social media.

Personally, I find everything out from social media. I get my news via Twitter or a news app, I find out what’s happening with my friends via Facebook, Instagram and Snapchat. There is no way I can see anybody in our generation giving up social media – spending less time on social media, now that might be possible.

9. Be more creative.

Many sorority girls are thinking about crafting for littles. And that means crafting and creativity. Here’s the thing some people aren’t as creative as others and that’s fine!

10. Find a significant other.

Serious questions: what’s your plan? Prince Charming? Some magic potion? The Bachelor? Yeah didn’t think so – don’t bother making this resolution you are just setting yourself up for disappointment.

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