2016 is just a few days away, and with the new year comes many people saying the phrase "new year, new me." This may mean many different things to different people, however a lot of people use it as the perfect time to begin bettering themselves in any way that they can. Breaking addictions to drugs and alcohol, losing weight, exercising, eating healthier and so on are common goals that the population wants to accomplish when they ring in the new year.
Except by the time that it's time to ring in 2017, most of the same people will be telling themselves the same thing about breaking their addictions and dropping the weight. Then again for 2018, 2019, and so on and so forth.
I am in no way not guilty of this. In fact, almost everyone has set a New Years resolution at some point in their lives, whether they think New Years resolutions are dumb or not. We have all set a goal at the start of the year and most of us do no accomplish this goal, but why? Well, lets be honest with ourselves for a minute. We lack the motivation or will-power to get it done.
According to TIME Magazine, some of the most commonly broken New Year's resolutions that people break is to lose weight and get fit, quit smoking, volunteer more often, save money and get out of debt, travel more and be less stressed. All of these resolutions require time and dedication which we don't seem to realize.
"I'm so busy lately, I just don't have the time anymore!" Well, if you were truly motivated to exercise more often, you would find the time to do it whether it be late at night or earlier in the morning. This seems to be one of the biggest excuses used in order to get out of a New Year's resolution. I have even used it to get out of working out and feeling better about myself for not going because, hey, at least it's now justified.
Whatever your excuse may be this upcoming year for not sticking to your future plans to better yourself, I hope you stick with them. I also hope I stick with my resolutions as I tend to break these as well. Let's all hope for a better 2016.