2016 has by far been one of the most controversial years in our short lifetime. We have had to suffer through the deaths of icons, the overwhelming amount of stress surrounding the election, violent outbreaks, and a throwback to 1950's racism. But regardless of what 2016 has brought us, 2017 is a new start to a completely new life for all of us. I know plenty of us make resolutions each year to do something that we have our minds set on, and most of the time they never happen, or fall through after a couple weeks. But this year I have decided that there is a New Years resolution that everyone needs to have.
This year, don't hold grudges. Don't find yourself in the middle of a fire with someone you care about -- forgive and forget. Move on. Don't let the small things ruin relationships; this is the year to swallow your pride and admit that it's okay to move forward.
This year, be kind to others. It may sound cliche, but everyone is fighting a battle. Someone might have just lost their job, or they are struggling to keep their GPA up, or maybe a loved one has just passed away. No matter the struggle, big or small, everyone needs more kindness. Try to be more understanding and allow yourself to feel what someone else may be feeling.
This year, find your passion. There are too many of us who don't have something that makes us feel happy. Whether you start running, crocheting, golfing, or collecting movies -- find something that brings you joy. We are too caught up on what's happening around us that we aren't taking enough time to take care of ourselves. Taking time for yourself is important for self-esteem and for maintaining a healthy attitude -- find what moves you.
This year, make a small change in your life. We all have something that we really and truly need to work on. Whether it be drinking more water, getting outside more, or being able to apologize when you're wrong -- every single one of us has room for improvement. No one is perfect, and there are plenty of things that we can slowly work on in order to better ourselves.
This year, be an example to others. 2016 was a year of leading by action and not by words, which caused the world to turn into hateful and violent war-zone. This world is crying for a positive example. Forget which political party you voted for, forget which person you rooted for, be an example that everyone can follow. Be kind. Be smart. Be accepting. Be understanding. Be a light so that everyone else in the dark can see.
2017 is a new year. It's a new start, to a new life, to a new you. Make this year count. Don't waste it. Don't allow yourself to be caught up in things that don't matter. Make a difference. Be the best you that you can possibly be. Show the world that this life doesn't have to be all about self-righteousness and power; show the world that this life is about love. The world needs more love and it truly is the one thing that will conquer hate.
"Though no one can go back and make a brand new start, anyone can start from now and make a brand new ending." - Carl Bard