It's crazy to me that this year has come and gone so quickly. At multiple points during 2017 I asked the question "When will this all end?". That being said there were many lows, but also a fair share of high's this year. It can be cliché to look back and reflect on the past year, but there's a lot to learn from it. A lot changes in a year, good and bad.
Whether we like it or not, it's all part of a bigger plan.
The beginning of 2017 started out with a lot of heartache. I had some of the worst days that I've had in awhile. I was discouraged and definitely at rock bottom by the end of January, and found myself giving my attention to the wrong people. One of the best things I did with my heartache was turn towards God, and things started looking up. I took a solo trip to California that was easily the best thing to happen to me all year. I had found out on my second to last night in California, the place I only dream to live someday, that I had gotten accepted into the nursing program at Ball State. I knew right then and there that it was God's perfect timing. I knew that I was going to be okay and that I was ready for what He had in store for me and to just trust in His plan. As spring rolled around, I got a new job and decided to stay in Muncie for the summer with a few of my roommates and just work two jobs.
The Unforgettable Summer
I met so many new people and definitely had a great summer. A summer full of working every day and drinking most days. What could go wrong? I had met someone and it was going great. Saturdays were spent with the "Rec Family" and those nights were some of the best nights I had had in a long time. Things were looking up, but I found myself growing apart from God and choosing other things. Soon enough, I found myself stepping away from relationships I knew weren't good for me anymore. I turned back towards God, still saying "When will this end?". I was tired of breaking my own heart and needed a change. Then it happened. One Sunday morning while I was watching church, the one person I never thought I would hear from again texted me. My first thought was "this is definitely a God thing", but I was still on edge and so scared to get hurt again. School started back up and I started the nursing program. I had a lot of fears starting the school year, mostly to do with school, but also to do with my ex who wanted to work things out. I put my trust in God and pushed through school, and strengthened my relationship.
The End of the End
Looking back on 2017, it was a massive split between the best and worst year of my life. God was apparent in my life in so many different ways this past year and I'm forever grateful for that. I have grown so much as an individual and cannot wait to see what this next year has in store for me. I'm thankful for my friends who were always there when I needed them. I'm thankful for my family for supporting me even though I was distant towards them during the first half of the year. I definitely don't say it enough, but I'm so thankful for my boyfriend for being so patient and loving these past 6 months. Nothing compares to where we are today and thank you for everything that you have done.
Nothing is easy and I'm not a perfect person. There are still times I find myself drifting from God, but I always make sure to turn to Him. So here's to 2018.
I'm ready for you.