The first instance you glance at this article, we will be claiming our sophomore year dorm room together in just a few days. I regret to have an obligation to ponder just how quickly our first year has flown by. I cannot express enough gratitude to you for enduring this year (okay, eight months) with me.
You’ve put up with my coffee addiction, my incessant worry about how I look (which mostly means constant complaining about my acne despite the fact that it is slowly but surely vanishing, as well as how much the gusting winds have screwed up my hair, pun intended). Also, thanks for putting up with my childish love of unicorns, my constant gushing over Shawn Mendes, my crazy nerdy side, my overbearingly unfunny dad jokes and really awful puns, my late nights spent studying, and probably way too many more things to count. You have been a roommate, a friend, a shoulder to lean on, and a presence to make me not feel so dang lonely sometimes.
Thank you for saving me from late-night panic attacks, despite the fact that they scared the absolute crap out of you and prevented you from obtaining any sleep since you need way more than I do to function properly. Your consoling words, though blunt (insert dumb winky face here), meant the world to me, as did your constant tea making, handing me my essential oils, playing music, and having Play-Doh on hands to act as a stress ball.
Thank you for surviving Christmas in Christ Chapel rehearsals and performances with me (and snap chatting me lame videos of me concentrating on my Violin), because those took the life out of just about everyone. Thank you for always being my dinner buddy so I never have to eat alone. Thank you for attempting to come out of your shell rather than being a homebody because I wanted to go out, I know that’s not your style and I appreciate the willingness to take risks. Thank you for getting into deep philosophical discussions with me or listening to me rant about my favorite musicals or classical music when I just wanted to be analytical about absolutely everything. You know how I love a strong debate and preaching my favorite things, regardless of the fact I’m completely aware I’m not a scholar.
Thank you for your adorable countdown to my birthday, the best gifts are the ones you make yourselves and this is college in America, so don’t you dare ever apologize to me for not buying me things again, unless you are over the age of 30 and financially stable.
I cannot tell you how excited I was when you asked me this past February to be your roommate again next year! How honored I felt when you basically made it clear you enjoy being in close proximity to me enough to endure my sassitude, snarkiness, spitfire-attitude, whatever you want to call it, for another school year. Clearly, my mom was completely blown away by this notion as well haha, as evidenced when she blatantly stated to your face: “you are going to put up with that for another year? Good luck!”, but what are moms for? If you’re reading this mom, thanks for your continued support (insert eye roll and wink here).
So, since you are going to be my roomie again next year, all I have is one (okay, two) caveats: keep being awesome and don’t be shocked in the slightest when I go all out with the decor again.
your friend Kenzie