Every year since I was about 13 I had the same New Year’s resolution, to loseMy story on how my resolution will no longer set me up for failure. weight. About that time I started to notice that I wasn’t skinny as my peers and I since I wanted to fit in with everyone else I wanted to lose about 20 pounds which would make me underweight. I remember being in middle school trying to do weight watchers with my mom so I would lose my curves. For the first few months of the year I would lose a few pounds but quickly would give up when I didn’t see results or when I got tired of practically starving myself
My story on how my resolution will no longer set me up for failure.
Fast forward almost 9 years. I am a 21-year-old senior in college who is overweight. Since I was a senior in high school I have gained about 70 pounds. I don’t feel comfortable in my clothing and for the past several years I vowed I would not be happy until I was skinny.
Even though this is my resolution every year it’s not just a resolution for January, it’s a battle that I fight every day with sweeping declarations several times a year that I’m going to get fit but nothing ever changes. There is always an excuse like I don’t have time for the gym or to prepare food, I can’t afford a membership anywhere, or I’m too tired from working to do anything but sleep.
I always say I won’t make excuses but it is true, I am so busy and completely exhausted from work and school. With the new year coming up I feel like I have already set myself up for failure, but this year I want things to change.
This year I’ve decided to make that change. Instead of focusing on the scale I’ve decided to focus on me, if I am comfortable, healthy, full, but most importantly happy. I am going to focus on if I feel good and if I do not then I will change instead of changing because the scale says I have to. The ultimate goal will be to lose weight but to do it on my own terms in a healthy way.
This year I am not going to quite. I will make up some excuses here and there but I will work everyday on me becoming the best me I can be.
This year is going to be the year I make the change.
Here is to 2018 being the best year yet.
New year, same resolution, new chances.
My story on how my resolution will no longer set me up for failure.
Every year since I was about 13 I had the same New Year’s resolution, to lose weight. About that time I started to notice that I wasn’t skinny as my peers and I since I wanted to fit in with everyone else I wanted to lose about 20 pounds which would make me underweight. I remember being in middle school trying to do weight watchers with my mom so I would lose my curves. For the first few months of the year I would lose a few pounds but quickly would give up when I didn’t see results or when I got tired of practically starving myself
Fast forward almost 9 years. I am a 21-year-old senior in college who is overweight. Since I was a senior in high school I have gained about 70 pounds. I don’t feel comfortable in my clothing and for the past several years I vowed I would not be happy until I was skinny.
Even though this is my resolution every year it’s not just a resolution for January, it’s a battle that I fight every day with sweeping declarations several times a year that I’m going to get fit but nothing ever changes. There is always an excuse like I don’t have time for the gym or to prepare food, I can’t afford a membership anywhere, or I’m too tired from working to do anything but sleep.
I always say I won’t make excuses but it is true, I am so busy and completely exhausted from work and school. With the new year coming up I feel like I have already set myself up for failure, but this year I want things to change.
This year I’ve decided to make that change. Instead of focusing on the scale I’ve decided to focus on me, if I am comfortable, healthy, full, but most importantly happy. I am going to focus on if I feel good and if I do not then I will change instead of changing because the scale says I have to. The ultimate goal will be to lose weight but to do it on my own terms in a healthy way.
This year I am not going to quite. With or without support from family and friends, trainers, councilers, expensive healthy foods, or a fancy gym membership I am going to be who I want to be by the end of the year
This year is going to be the year I make the change.
Here is to 2018 being the best year yet.