Dear 2017,
While 2016 for me was not a complete shamble of a mess like some people describe it, my year could always use some improvements. So while I look forward to the new year, I decided some resolutions needed to be put in place on what I wish most for in this coming year. So here’s to you 2017, I hope that you give me all the best that life has to offer. However, if you need some pointers, here is what I would love to accomplish with the new year.
Let’s get my life together! Now, it is not really in shambles right now, however if I could get to be more adult-like without having to actually be a real adult that would be the bomb dot com. I like the idea of making my own decisions and kind of getting to be a grown up, but I still do not want to have to deal with taxes and bills and too many responsibilities. So if anyone knows how to be a grown up without really being a grown up, let me know how that works.
I also think some traveling is a major need-to-do this year. Whether is be mini adventures around the town, day trips to somewhere nearby, or road trips across the U.S., adventures are good for the soul and I need more of that. I want to go places I have never been before, learn about things I have never heard of, and make memories instead of just sitting in my room or working.
I want to leap out of my comfort zone and do things that I normally would not do. For example, someone I know recently went sky diving and while my biggest fear is falling from heights, there is nothing I want to do more than jump out of a plane just to say that I have actually done something daring in my life. I think that we often hide behind our insecurities and our fears and let those hold us back in life. I want 2017 to be the year that I do not hold myself back. I want to conquer things I never thought I would be able to and break my fears down to nothing.
I want to volunteer more. I want to set aside some time and actually go volunteer. Maybe not the same place every time, but please 2017, give me more opportunities to better myself through working for others. Remind me when life gets crazy that I should not put off helping other first, and remind me that I can use volunteer work as a break when school gets hard.
I want 2017 to be the year of financial stability. While I am only in college and know that being rich is just not quite going to happen, I really wish that saving money is part of the plan. I wish that opportunities present themselves so that I may maybe, just possibly get out of the “broke college student” title and into the “financially stable college student” title. If that is not a title already, I am about to make it one.
Above all, I just really wish that 2017 is the year of positive vibes and good times. Towards the end of 2016, life started getting pretty good, and I just want to make sure it stays that way going into the new year. I do not know why everyone is so set that 2016 was the worst, because if you take a look at even your bad days, life could always be worse. Remember going into the new year that you should always try to be nice to people, ALL people. You should always try to focus on the good and positive in the situation. You should find at least three things (minimum) that were rocking about each and every day you are living. You should tell those you love that you love them, hug those around you, and remember that everyone has bad days, but you do not have a bad life.
Stay happy and positive, people! 2017 is going to rock.