I became a content creator for Odyssey last May and the Editor in Chief of my community in October. I wasn't sure what I was getting myself into when I joined, all I knew was that I loved to write and I wanted a way to share my words with others. Little did I know that this platform didn't just give me an outlet for my thoughts, but countless other lessons and opportunities that will stick with me. So for all of you potential creators, Odyssey newbies, or seasoned writers, here are just a fraction of the things a year with Odyssey will bring you.
Lots and lots of it. Having to generate a unique story idea every single week teaches you to be original and forces you to think outside the box. It can be intimidating at first, but as weeks go by, you'll realize that you can unlock countless ideas and concepts in your mind if you try hard enough.
With Odyssey, creators are responsible for their work. No one is going to write these for you. With that comes a great deal of responsibility and necessary accountability for your own work. Your editor and your fellow creators are depending on you to create content, and as time goes on, this accountability carries over into your every day life.
You have to take charge and speak up for what you believe in. Odyssey gives us a platform to create, but we also have to share and start conversations with our followers, making us leaders of our own platforms. We are responsible for leading constructive conversations online, but this is also a lesson in leadership face to face. We start to adapt how we communicate behind a screen into how we communicate in front of another human.
The best part of Odyssey is being on a team with other creators. My team consists of students from all parts of Indiana and even Florida. We collaborate on ideas, share photos, and simply help each other out. Writing week after week has the capability of burning you out, but sharing the struggle with team members makes things a little easier and builds a stronger sense of community.
I am so grateful for the opportunity to create and lead a team with Odyssey. I've learned an incredible amount over this past year and I can't wait to see what this platform has in store for me this year.