I remember growing up and always telling my mom, “I feel different”. Like all mothers, she would immediately be concerned with my health, always responding with, “Do you not feel good?” and “Is something wrong?”. What she had to soon realize was that I was not talking about a physical “different”, I was talking about a type of mindset "different". I told my mom I don’t feel like the other kids; I felt like a different person compared to the kids I was around. I couldn’t explain it at the time, I just felt it. Growing up, I would try hard to fit in and not understand why I just didn’t. So like all kids, you either join the kids you wanted to be like or you isolate yourself. So, for a brief moment, that was what I did. I isolated myself from everyone and it took me stepping back and listening to my mom tell me, “You are different. You have a gift and a purpose, so don’t worry about how anyone else is. Just worry about how you are.” to get to a place where I can understand why being different is so special. Even now, when I get lost in the chaos of the world, my mom always brings me back to that day I told her how I felt different. She reminds me that I am different because I have a purpose.
Being different is sometimes conceived as something "bad" or "negative", but being different and unique is what some strive to achieve. Everyone is unique, but some get caught in fitting in rather than just being themselves. Uniqueness is a trait we are all born with, but it takes action and self-realization to turn it into something powerful. Some people are scared to be different. For instance, in fashion, the new trend is always something new and different. It took someone wearing that style consistently (not worrying about fitting in) and others joining in (because they see how proudly that person is wearing their clothes) to make it the style. It takes one different person to make something great. My mom tried to explain this to me at a young age, but at the time, you really don’t understand the bigger picture. It took a lot of growth for me to fully understand that it’s okay to be different, and it’s okay not to fit in. What is more important is that you are happy with yourself and the choices you are making.
I enjoy being around people that aren’t scared to be different. These people are risk takers and have their own agenda in mind and those are the people that will not only succeed in life but also make a difference. So, as a new generation of forward thinkers, let's try to make sure we do not conform to whatever society has labeled us to be. Let’s be different and show everyone that great things can happen once you step outside of your comfort zone and into a place where you are confident in yourself and your abilities as an individual person.