Yankees Road To The Perfect Season | The Odyssey Online
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Yankees Road To The Perfect Season

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Yankees Road To The Perfect Season

"The New York Yankees are back on top, world champions for the 27th time," said Joe Buck. This call was seven seasons too many ago. Although the Yankees have been competitive and made the playoffs since that last world series win, they have not been true contenders for a championship in quite some time. Seeing the cross-town Met's march their way into October certainly did not sit well with many New York Yankee fans. Their mindset consisted of, "If we can't have it, nobody can," and knowing that team in Queen's has the edge is nauseating. The 2016 Yankees, with their influx of youth and a strong veteran presence, have a chance to be truly special this year if several things goes right. In fact, if everything falls into place, this season has to chance to, dare I say, be perfect.

Coming off a season where he took home some lumber in the Silver Slugger, Brain McCann plays a very valuable role in the Yankee lineup. If able to be behind the plate for roughly 100 games, and crank out his usual 20 to 25 home runs, he will, once again, prove to be quite valuable. Where his true upside this season lies is his continued progression to hit the ball the other way, as he had been working all spring on his approach a few extra hits the other way can go a long way in removing the over exaggerated shift on him.

Speaking of over-exaggerated shifts, that brings up Mark Teixeira -- the real key to a perfect season for the Yankees in terms of what happens to Teixeira after the season, which would preferably be retirement, but ultimately be a tough decision for the Yankees with the return of Greg Bird looming. As far as the season goes, if Tex is able to stay healthy, and keep his average hovering above .250, then the Bronx Bombers will be in business.

Gone are the days of the storied Derek Jeter and the calls of Robbie Cano "don't you know." In are the days of the fresh prince (Sir Didi) and Starlin Castro. As these two have already showed in the early going, they are going to bring excitement and charisma that this team desperately needs on a team of veterans. With the continued progression carrying over from last season from Didi and the already well known track record and short porch of Yankee stadium, look for these two to begin their reign up the middle for years to come. As these two have their brightest days ahead of them, it is the man to their right whose days are numbered.

Performing below average at third last season, Headly is nothing more than a stop-gate player at this point in his career. If the Headly of old is able to show up and provide the solid defense Yankee fan's initially saw when he arrived from San Diego, then this offense can more than make up for his lack of fire power.

Unfortunately, in the dream scenario for the Yankees, this season not all who begin with this team will end with it. Such is the case for Brett Gardner who has begun the decline of his career. If there is a time to pull the trigger on a trade it is now, and the Yankees must and will trade Gardy for depth to the rotation. A trade with a team like the Angels for someone like Hector Santiago make all too much sense. The hole in left leaves a void that can be filled by top prospect Aaron Judge. Only adding to the youth movement and giving the Yankees another right handed bat to the lineup will set the Yankees and Judge up for success. A strong campaign by the 169 million dollar man, Jacoby Ellsbury, can and will go a very long way in giving this lineup a dynamic it would otherwise be lacking with the trade of Gardner.

Of course, the 2016 Yankees can not be discussed without speaking about age. A return of the A-Rod who showed up last season is a deciding factor for this team. If A-Rod and fellow veteran can tap into whatever they have left and pour it out onto the field then this team will go as far as they can carry them. A healthy and rejuvenated looks to finally put up those big Yankee stadium numbers that escaped him last season. The biggest factor for this team will be the play of the rotation. Perhaps the luckiest staff in all baseball, backed by a strong offense and a bullpen that turns every game into a six or even five inning affair the starters just have to be manageable at worst to pickup wins. If this rotation can eat up innings as to not completely drain the bullpen as well if Pineda and Severino take strides forward this staff as a unit can put up some of the better numbers in all of baseball. As well another rejuvenated Yankee, C.C. Sabathia is pitching out of the number five spot where the pressure is off of him and he will have the chance to out duel some other clubs lesser pitchers.


1. McCann plays 100 games and hit's 20-25 home runs.

2. Teixeira maintains an average over .250 with his usual pop, retires at season end.

3. Castro and Didi became prove to be the youth movement the Yankees have been needing.

4. Headley shows improvement in defense and proves that he can play a serviceable third base until seasons end.

5. Gardner is traded for starting pitching.

6. Ellsbury stays healthy and show's the fan's why he was signed.

7. Beltran and A-Rod show their careers are not over just yet and have an outburst of power for one last run.

8. Aaron Judge proves that he is the next big thing.

9. The rotation can eat up innings and get better as the season progresses.

10. The bullpen stay's true to itself, strikes everyone and everything out.


World Series Champions.

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