Picture this: You are going away to college and leaving your best friend. You know this means that you willl see her less and you're going to have to make new "college best friends." It is not realistic to drive two hours to cry with her, to eat dinner with her, so for these four years you have a long distance best friend and you have to make new friends. These friends will never replace your best friend from home, but they are starting a new chapter with you.
Making college friends is hard, and making college best friends is even harder. It took me forever. They started as girls I would sit with during class and slowly became girls that I cannot live without. They are people who I can complain about school with, force them to go out with me—even when they do not want to, binge eat things we probably should not eat and definitely regret later, talk about how much we need to workout and then eat cookies instead. Not everyone is lucky enough to find people who truly love them for who they are and will not judge when we have a bad night and need to just eat all the food surrounding us. In fact, they will bake you cookies just because they knew you needed them just as much as they did. Maybe a little more.
As this semester is winding down, and I'm realizing I only have two more years with these people, I am reflecting upon how lucky I am. I am so lucky that I chose them and they chose me. I have no clue why, because I am always the girl at parties dancing all by myself. They love me for my strangeness and only slightly judge. They let me tag along when I have nothing to do; they respond to my super long texts; they listen to my problems just like I do for them. It really is amazing to me how quickly someone can become someone you cannot live without. So if you're reading this (and you better be), I'm beyond grateful for the two of you. I don't know what I would do without you and I really can't wait for the next two years with you. XOXO.