Although school is looking a little bit different these days, we can still make the most out of it by preparing with some of these essential items by our side throughout the semester.
1. A Planner
You may not think you are as busy this fall, but whether you are busy or not a planner is always a must-have in terms of organization.
2. Cozy Blankets
My apartment always gets so cold so for me, I always have a blanket by my side. Also, blankets make sitting on your computer for long hours a day much comfier.
3. Snacks
If you have to listen to a long lecture, might as well sit back and grab a some a few to go with it.
4. Laptop charger
Zoom will drain your battery quite fast so, you will want to have a charger by your side just in case.
5. Coffee... lots of coffee
Even if you do not have to get up super early for class, sitting and staring at the computer for a couple hours will make you tired rather quickly.
6. AirPods/Headphones
If you are in a place with other people or roommates, it may be important to have these by your side as you tune into your class.
7. Lots of comfy clothes
Since there's not a whole lot of need to dress to impress, you might as well stock up on leggings or other comfort clothes of choice.
Although this list may not be too long, these are some items that I have found to be the most useful to me throughout the past two weeks of surviving online school and may be for you too!