Okay, I do know what make-up is. However, I will never understand the fuss over $100 eyeshadows. I will never understand how to put liquid eyeliner on without crying (either out of frustration or because I got some in my eye). I spend about $15 dollars a year on make-up. I usually buy mascara twice a year--not because I finish a tube, more likely I misplaced it somewhere.
I don't want anyone to think I'm bashing people for wearing a full face on the daily. Props to you who can get up early enough to spend more than 5 minutes getting ready. Props to you for knowing the differences between brushes. (The big ones are for your cheeks and the little ones for your eyes, right? There's more than one kind for your face? Yup, I have no clue what I am doing).
I have so many friends that have tried to teach me how to do my make-up and what each item is for and when to use it. I just can't get myself to spend $50 dollars on eye shadow when I can't even spend that much on a pair of jeans. Sure, I could always just use the "cheap" stuff, (To me it's all way too expensive) but why bother?
I occasionally think,"Wow, if you would just throw a little make up on once in awhile, maybe you wouldn't be so dang single", or "You'd probably get more tips if you understood whatever this contouring stuff is all about." However, I rarely feel confident in more than just my drug store mascara and the occasional tinted chapstick when I am feeling a little daring. I don't have perfect skin, there is always a little something I could probably cover up, but that's just not me. I touch my face way too much and do not want to wake up even a second earlier than I absolutely have to.
I can appreciate make up the way one would appreciate art. I don't see the big fuss but it looks pretty cool. I can't make myself pay for it, but I can admire it if someone else has it. Maybe one day I will care about make up or want to look more professional, but as of now I couldn't care less. I might look like either a 12-year-old or a mother of four without make up on, but I don't care. I'm going to sleep in and be thankful for those extra 10 minutes, and my bank account thanks me for not buying more than $15 worth of mascara a year. And even if not wearing make up makes me look or feel "under dressed", I'm keeping my face naked, 'cause that's me.