"Claim our Bodies, Claim our Right, Take a Stand, Take Back the Night!"
This, along with several other chants, could be heard across the WSU campus and Greek Row on Thursday, October 16. About 50 or more students came together to stand against domestic and sexual violence.
The night started off in front of Todd Hall where free shirts and glow sticks were given out to those who were participating. People brought their own signs or carried the ones that the Coalition of Women Students, who organized the event, had made.
Before the march, there were several spoken word performers who spoke out through their poems about past experiences, whether it was with domestic violence or transgender violence.
The point of it was to remind us that no one is exempt from this issue. Any gender, ethnicity, or sexual preference can be targeted for sexual or domestic violence.
A few statistics to show just how prevalent this issue is:
The fact that 1 in 5 women will be affected by rape in their lifetime is horrifying. This issue isn't new, but it is one that many don't talk about. The Take Back the Night Foundation tries to raise awareness about domestic violence and sexual assault by holding events and rallies like WSU did, throughout the country.