There are two types of people in the world of college football: people who understand and love football, and those who just attend games for the social aspect and Instagram-worthy opportunities.
Not all of us are die-hard sports fans, and that’s okay! Some of us prefer to make an appearance at the football game, take a million pictures, and spend the first half of the game editing them and choosing which ones to put on Instagram. That’s cool. However, here's a guide that will make even the most uninterested person look as if they love football.
When everyone starts yelling, yell with them.
If the whole stadium stands up and starts yelling, it's because either something really good or really bad just happened. Either way, it’s safer for you to just go along with the crowd. When the guy next to you jumps up, throws his hands in the air, and starts pointing at the field frantically, do the same, even if you don't know why.
Dress up.
Grab your t-shirt dress, date dash tank, or Go Cougs t-shirt! You will stand out
like a sore thumb if you are at a WSU football game and aren’t wearing proper gameday attire. In high school, it was really weird to be spirited and care about
your school. I am here to tell you that, in college, it is really weird to not care
about your school or have pride in it. This is WSU; get it together!
Try to learn something.
It’s clear that you probably know all of the rules of football, so pay
attention! Watching a football game in person can teach you a lot about how the
game works as a whole, as well as how the point system works, which isn’t always clear on TV. Stay alert and try not to look too bored. People don't want to hear that you’re hot, tired and don’t understand what’s
going on. Suck it up, and look like you
want to be there.
Get into it.
Sing the fight song! Do alligator claps with the cheerleaders and the band! Yell! Most importantly, stand up! It’s 100 percent okay to get into it and have fun. College
is only four short years, so have fun while you still can. There's nothing like college football season.
Make new friends.
Football games are the best times to make new friends. You and everyone in Martin Stadium have two things in common: you all love WSU and hate the other team, no matter who it
Use this opportunity to chat with those around you. Bond over your shared
hatred of the opposing team, and enjoy having someone else to not understand
football with.