In a recent article, I basically blathered on about how uncool growing up is. I still hold to that belief, BUT it is important to also peek at the silver lining of getting grey hairs and wrinkles. To maintain positive vibes it is nice to take a few minutes and congratulate yourself on accomplishments. Below you will find a quick list of my achievements since coming to college. These events have nurtured my inner sense of being a grown woman and I'm quite proud of them.
1. Signing a lease
Nothing screams I'm a grown woman like signing your name at the bottom of a piece of paper for a year-long commitment. It's just crazy to realize that I have a new address. I have a responsibility to drop a rent check off on the first of every month. I have a room that my mom doesn't constantly nag me about cleaning up. Childhood mind B-L-O-W-N.
2. Getting my oil changed
Okay, yes my mom did continually nag me about getting it done. And it was about 4,000 miles past time to get it changed, BUT I set up the appointment, took it, and paid for it as a professional adult. Now I just have to find the motivation to put air in my tires...
3. Scheduling my own doctor appointments
Does this one even need to be explained? I don't know why but there is something so scary about calling to schedule an appointment to see any kind of doctor. However, I overcame and conquered. Not gonna lie I still try to get my mom to talk to people I don't know over the phone for me yet she usually won't. My newly found status of grown(ish) has convinced her it's mostly up to me now.
4. Going to class
I know we've all been going to class since kindergarten and maybe even before that. I also know that going to class in college is a completely different story. Your parents aren't here to make sure you're getting up in time to get there. Or calling to see where you are at three in the morning when you should be resting up for the test the next day. The freedom is a beautiful, yet frightening thing. You could fail a class because you keep skipping to skateboard with your pal Jimmy.
I've found that one of the biggest aspects of growing up is showing up. Being where you need to be on time and prepared. If you have an appointment, be there or you'll probably get fined. If you have a job, show up for your shift. Someone you care about needs you? Get to them. The best adults are the ones that show up for their responsibilities.