Dear God,
Even though I am at the period where I am starting my life as an adult, there are glimpses of my past that you have not made me forget about, and I feel like there is a reason for that. You may remember when I was a lot younger, I made my way through years and years of education in a Catholic school. I was an extremely quiet and awkward little girl. I was always picked last for dodge ball and had a very small group of friends that were sometimes hard to connect with. I made friends with a lot of people that were considered “weird” kids because I didn’t care about being the most popular or the most well liked student. I had a crush on a boy who made me realize that looks are not everything because he ended up making me feel terrible about myself. Many of the people I knew from my past either ignore me on social media or just won’t add or follow me at all. I might have wished at certain points in my past that I fit in better with my peers and that they still liked me today. However, I realize now what I really valued more, was continuing to be humble and to find a path to being successful in my own way. Instead of not including people and trying so hard to be the best at everything I did, I wanted to act the way I learned that your son, Jesus Christ, acted through scripture.
About three years after, I started high school. My freshman year was probably the best year because it was a fresh start and everyone was friends with everyone. I was very actively involved with the volleyball and track team. I sat with many other freshman, that I had made friends with, as well as, fellow teammates on the volleyball team during my lunch periods. There were never any conflicts or drama between me or anyone I knew. However, as the years progressed, I realized I was mentioned in certain rumors that were spread and were out of my control. I lost some friends that I wish could forgive me now, because I do forgive them. I set apart the people I could really trust from the ones I couldn’t, and the ones that I do not trust, I pray for all the time.
Until my sophomore year of college at Old Dominion University, I did not truly feel as satisfied and happy with my life. I joined Crusade for Christ and Delta Zeta Theta Phi Sorority and I’ve never been so happy to be apart of these two amazing groups of young women! The friends I have made do not even compare to the people that left me from my past, and I feel so incredibly blessed to be rewarded with the influence of some of the most amazing and inspirational people I have ever known. With that said, I continue to follow the wisdom I’ve gained throughout my two semesters and to try to not let pride and accomplishment overthrow my life. I continue to try to follow scripture and the teachings I hear in church as best I can, and properly be a servant of my faith.
Lord, thank you so much for helping me see your light and love through the people I have met this year! Thank you for giving me opportunities like being in Blue Key Honor Society and so much more to come! Thank you for reminding me throughout my life to not take anything for granted and for surrounding me with people that help me to stay kind and humble no matter how dark my life may seem! Thank you for blessing my life and for teaching me lessons I never could have known without your help; and lastly, thank you for molding me into that kind of person I can be proud to be! I love you so much God! Thank you for everything you’ve done!