Dear Past Self,
This is your future self. Don't believe me? I bet I can tell you what class you are in right now, and who your best friend is. I have some advice for you if you want to hear it.
I want to start with this: Keep your head up. I know you probably hate school, but trust me you will get through and even go to college. Make as many friends as possible because the older you get the harder it is to make any. Trust me. Also, don't sabotage the relationships you make with people, I promise you they are not going to leave you. Stop being so controlling, everyone is trying to fit in and over reacting to their decisions doesn't get you anywhere. People are going to walk in and out of your life, don't take it personally that's how life goes. Speaking of which, ease up on Jamie she's a great friend and trust me you will thank me later.
Moving on to high school, really think about your decision. Don't go to BP just because your boyfriend is going or your family is there or it's cool. Really think about your decision. I know deep down you know what you want, don't be scared. I mean, you make it out really good when you graduate, but what is that worth to you? Stay focused, that part I don't want you to change. Shave your hair, you will absolutely love it! Stop worrying about what everyone thinks of you, it doesn't matter.
When it comes to boys, don't settle. You will always deserve more, and I don't mean that no guy is right for you because frankly the guy you end up with in college is amazing. But don't make things so serious, explore your options experience heartbreak and stupid things you're supposed to at your age. Date as many people as possible, and not in an immature, slutty way but to have fun. You have plenty of time to be serious later in life.
Stop blaming yourself for everything that goes wrong in your life. Life happens and you can't always control it. Trust me you will be a lot better off if you just stop stressing out so much. Make memories, take a lot of pictures and try new things. Let me tell you all the things you will accomplish by the time you are 19. You go to college with your best friend. You work at a summer camp for 3 years, and as fun as it was it was exhausting. You get close with a friend and you (unfortunately) ruin it. Don't worry, like I said before not everyone in your life is meant to stay. You make Dean's list, your cousin gives you a god daughter and your aunt gives you a beautiful new cousin. You discover you love going to church and driving with the windows down. You get your license the first time and you get a kitten.
Cherish the little things. Life is hard, but it's not impossible. Things aren't always going to go your way but who cares? And by the way, you do get the opportunity to go to China for study abroad in 2017, start saving up!!
2017 you