This is the first thing you, the reader will read, but for me, it's the last thing I've written. The opening paragraph never seems to come easy, or natural. I never know how to write the “basis” until I actually have the ideas written. With that being said, I do not like to prewrite. I like to let my ideas flow freely as I go, rather than having ideas written that I need to expand on. My “prewriting” turns into my first draft of my essay because my final draft is rarely ever the same.
The key to clear writing is clear thinking. It's unusual for me to find a place and time where my head is clear. I have a very hard time with focusing. It has taken me over an hour to write a one page essay just for the sheer fact that my head is jumping from topic to topic. For me to write I have to be in the mood or interested in the topic. I have an entire folder on my Google Docs dedicated to short pieces that I have written when I have felt creative.
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My writing process typically follows:
1. Answer the question, simply.
2. Identify my main idea.
3. Begin writing.
4. Write closing paragraph.
5. Add body paragraphs.
6. Edit.
7. Write opening paragraph.
8. Edit.
9. Add detail.
10. Edit.
I constantly find myself adding, deleting and moving sentences from the beginning of the essay to the end, or vice versa. The most important thing I do while writing is make notes to myself. When I think of a new idea or topic that I would like to address, but am not sure how to, I make a note of it at the bottom of my paper.
I struggle with transitioning and connecting my ideas. Sometimes my ideas are very clear and to the point, other times they take me paragraphs to decode. In my head I have a clear focus, but when I begin to write they go blurry. Similarly, I sometimes have trouble branching from a broad subject to a smaller topic.
When I write I need quiet and I need to zone into my own little world. By no means am I a great writer, but I do believe that if I focus on establishing clear ideas and "breaking the watermelon into its seeds," my pieces will be more interesting and noteworthy. I love to write, but I struggle with what to write about. If you find yourself struggling, write out your writing process and I assure you that it will help.