Lena Dunham has prefaced my entire life with her series Girls so it would only be more than fitting that the show would be able to describe writing a paper that's worth 20% of my grade.
1. The Pump Up
You're so determined to get this paper done. You get your coffee, your favorite Spotify jams going, and then end up looking through Facebook for the next four hours.
2. The Confusion
You're going back over the paper prompt and your 87.429% sure that you didn't go over any of this in class. You're mentally swearing at your professor as you type this 6-page piece of trash that's going to barely get you by.
3. The Procrastination
You can claim you're doing something productive all you want, but you know good and well that search about "cellular decomposition" turned into "what foods never decompose?"
4. The Snacks
Let's be real no one can write a decent paper without the appropriate snacks. You've stared down that Sabra pretzel and hummus snack pack for about three minutes, but you're pretty sure skittles are much better brain food.
5. The Future
You're down to calculating how much sleep you can get after writing this paper. You're pretty sure you can get in three hours if you miss the word count by about 20 words, but at this point, you're not really willing to risk it. Tomorrow you will be the walking dead.
6. The Dropout
You could totally be a movie star if you did your makeup a little more. Acting's a piece of cake. Or maybe a musician. Justin Bieber got youtube discovered. How hard can it be?
7. The Sobbing
You really could care less if the whole world can hear you. You're exhausted and you have so little time to finish this mess. You just want to get in your bed, but you know you can't. You're little old friend GPA is hanging on to your back saying, "Please don't let me drop. I love you."
8. The Call
You know you absolutely have to call your parents at this point. You're freaking out and they can help, right? Maybe not as they tell you, "You have to stay in school, honey. We love you, but we've already paid a bunch of money to send you there." You then go on a 15-minute rant about how you're the good child.
9. The Run
Paper deadlines can't catch you if you run fast enough? This sucks! How are you going to finish this paper? You're running out of time.
10. The Realization
GO TO THE LIBRARY your brain repeats as you realize maybe your dorm room wasn't the best place to write this. You pack up everything and head to the quietest comfiest space in the library and bear down for the nest couple of hours.
11. The Finale
That's it. Your paper is down for the count. It may not be your best work, but as of right now it's like a great big shove it to your professor. Feels good to be finally done.