We all know how hard it can be to keep writing our articles over vacation but it's still very important we do! It's okay to miss a time or two as long as we communicate with our EIC. I even missed a time and just sent her a quick message and she was totally understanding.
We all hopefully want our Odyssey group to thrive and hopefully get lots more people to join, so even though it's tough writing them while were on vacation we still should, cause you never know who may see one of our articles and maybe like it so much they want to join! I personally love readingeveryones articles. I love to see how other people think and how they view different things. It's so intriguing how we can interpret something in one way and someone can see it in a whole different way. It just goes to show how incredible we each our and how we can all learn from each other and not be stuck in just one mind set.
We don’t even have to write big long articles, mine are pretty much always short because I always have so many ideas to write about but just don't have many ways to put it in lots of words and that’s okay. We all write so different and I just hope you all love writing your articles as much as I do!