"Writing is the painting of the voice." -Voltaire
Remember all those days you spent keeping a journal or diary because that was what everyone did? Well, it is actually the best way to express yourself.
Writing does not always mean professional. Sometimes, it is just simply expressing yourself through words. Writing is art within itself. Creativity comes in all forms of expression.
Everyone looks for a way to express what they are feeling at any moment in their daily lives. What better way to do that than by writing anything and everything. I write to feel better or because it is the only thing that is enjoyable when I am stressed out about school work.
I write to express anger, stress, thoughts, love for writing, happiness and sadness.
Writing helps you to express your anger. When you release this feeling of anger, writing it down then crumbling it up. By crumbling it up and throwing the paper away, you are letting go of what is making you angry.
Putting all your thoughts on paper is amazing because sometimes you might even produce a great story. When you do not think about it, but just write, everything seems to just fall into place like it is meant to. The best songs and books come out of just writing anything that pops into your head at that moment in time.
Sometimes just explaining why I love writing helps me remember how amazing it is to me. You see, I write because I want to be an author some day, but I also write for fun. Non-serious writing is one of the most fulfilling stress reliever and a way to relax while on a homework or class break. By just writing whatever comes to your mind may just help you find answers to your homework questions that you have been struggling with for like ever.
Every moment should be recorded so you will remember where you have been and where you want to go from there--meaning writing down happy moments is just as important has your sad moments. Expressing your sadness makes you stronger and able to understand how you really feel about being upset.
Lastly, find a quiet area, bring your paper/typewriter/laptop, and pencil. You won't regret taking some time out of your busy schedule to just express yourself.
I hope after reading this article, you will consider picking up a notepad and a pencil or pen and write like everything depended on it.
Go forth and write great things!