Since becoming a content creator for Odyssey, I have noticed a new interest in myself for writing. At first, it just started off with me being excited to write my articles. Even if my articles aren't super popular, just the fact that I can express some feelings inside me that I normally wouldn't felt nice. Then it got into songwriting, and even though I know nothing about making a song, just writing down some lyrics and creating something felt wonderful. Now I'm back to something that I've dipped my toe into a couple of times now, poetry. All throughout this, I've noticed how I've felt during and after these writing sessions. I felt amazing! I was learning about how I felt about the world around me, how I felt about events in my life, and actually noticing things that I haven't noticed before. I've never paid attention to the individual leaves on the trees, but looking at them now I see each one in a different light. When I was frustrated with how I felt about my surroundings, it started to pour out onto my paper, showing me some emotions I didn't know I was feeling. All of these things happened when I just decided to pick up some paper and a pencil.
I have always had a love for writing, and I've liked to think I had a certain ability for it, when I can write the way I want to. Writing has just always come so easy to me. When we would get essays in class, I wouldn't be bothered a bit. Those always felt like they flowed off my fingers, and that, if anything, I couldn't get the words out fast enough. That's why AP English is still one of my favorite classes I've ever had: it helped me fully expand my love. From reading something as personal and dark as "A Farewell to Arms," which left me with a feeling I've never had from a book, to "The Death of A Salesman," which pushed me to think I was losing my mind a few times, I feel like I've seen a different style of writing that I can more appreciate. I love putting personal emotions into my writing, sometimes to a fault, and to see these other authors do the same made me feel...different. I don't know the exact word for it, aware? It made me realize that I could write the way I want to, and not have to write the same way as some authors I see today. I guess I really have to thank my teacher from that class, she really opened my eyes to a world that I could never do without again. If you do end up reading this, please know that every article I write has a bit of you in it.