All right, ladies. We can all agree that being a man in 2018 is the way to go. They speak and they are heard. Women speak, and we are not heard.
So instead of speaking, we journal, write poetry and write some of the best selling books on the market. It does not matter if writing is not your forte, as long as you get your feelings out, you've got it! You'll feel physically better too.
Writing allows women to have a voice, and it allows our opinions to be valued. Writing is easier than speaking. It is not as confrontational, and it's even beneficial for mental health.
You can be as creative as you please, whether you're writing fiction or nonfiction. It is your work, so you can write what you want to!
The best part about it, you don't have to let anyone read it. It can be all yours, and no one will ever know — not unless you want them to.
Sometimes, it is easier to put it all out there and have a feast on words. That is when your voice is heard and you choose to be free from whatever was bothering you.
I recommend writing, not just because I am a writer, but because you can create anything that you want. And if you need to escape, writing is a healthy way to go. Plus, it is fun to have no worries, to just write for as long or as little as you need to.
Writing allows free and critical thinking. Instead of sitting with your thoughts, you write them down, and they vanish as you create words — the weight you bore is now on the paper and not on your shoulders.
Does all of this sound good to you? Then get writing!