Passion. One word with a single meaning, one word with a meaning that drives my life in so many different directions. Passion. My passion is putting words on a piece of paper. That’s it, and it seems silly to a lot of people. Many simply do not understand why we write, or the reasoning for it. They do not have a mind that can explore different dimensions, or can think of things so beyond reality that they are scary to think of. They cannot come to terms with heartbreaking stories that don’t always have a happy ending. Why do I write? I write because I have a passion to do so. Because I want to wake up every morning and write down my thoughts, my observations, my dreams, my feelings and everything else.
As a child, I was attracted to poetry for one of those unexplainable reasons that life has to offer. I believed poetry to be astonishing is every way possible. Yes, it could have been because what I was reading at the age were only short blurbs, and that was intriguing, but it's much more than that. Now, poetry is my way of believing the world has impeccable qualities and people within it. Poetry lets you have an opinion, it lets you think for yourself. That is hard to do these days, to think for yourself. So many people do it for you, without you having to ask. Many poets write so that there can be a literal meaning in their piece, but also a thousand figurative ones. That to me is the true beauty in writing. Words separately have a definite meaning, but when put together could mean several different things.
When I express my passion, when I write, I do it for no one other person than myself. I do it to express how I feel, not to try and please anyone else. Although, I do want people to read my writing and picture some image in their mind. To think to themselves for just a second, and imagine the things I write about. I want people to read my writing and be reminded of someone or something, and have that image stay with them for a period of time. I want people to use their brains. I want them to read my writing and come up with ideas of their own. To take something out of it and to be inspired to do something that day—something amazing that will give back to the world or maybe even just one person.
I write to escape the horrifying things that the world has to throw at all of us. I write to overcome the passing of family members, the anxiety of school, the pain of heartbreak. But, I write about the amazing things the world brings me too. I write about my best friends, my family, my teams, my intense love of for all things sweet and all things salty. You see, that is why I write. Because there are no limits to it. No one is over my shoulder demanding that I talk about certain things. I am allowed to use my brain and interact with my own thoughts for once. I write down my dreams and ideas, because the craziest of things that pop into your head could be made into a beautiful piece of writing. The sky is not my limit.