I love being a writer. I enjoy writing for my major, for my minor, and for Odyssey.
But man is it hard. Every week I have two to three major writing assignments for my college classes, plus three to four smaller writing assignments, and to top it off I have to submit my article for Odyssey.
I am not looking for sympathy or complaining by any means, but for my classes, the writings all come with prompts and are focused. The Odyssey, however, gives me free range to write about anything I want. And if you have been keeping up with my writing you have seen that I have written about most things (Sports, Religion, Sexuality, Life, Music, ect). Free range means no prompts, no ideas, and very little restrictions. Most people might find this easier or think this is a simple task.
That's what I thought as well.
So here is my challenge to you: Join me.
You do not need to be a published writer or a college student to write every week. Sit down, make a deadline and try to write 500 words on anything once a week. You will most likely start off strong. The first few weeks will be easy and you may write about similar things. The at some point you will hit a wall. You will have ideas but not be able to form sentences, you will draw blanks, you will struggle. And it will be awesome. You will have to push yourself to new lengths and think about things you would not normally think about. You do not need to share these with anyone or do anything with them. Just write, and see how you challenge your thinking and strengthen your thoughts.