Calling all writers! It's that time of year again! November is National Novel Writing Month, and it is the best time for writers to express their best outlets!
During National Novel Writing Month, writers take the challenge to write a 50,000 word novel in 30 days. That may sound like an impossible task, especially for beginners much like myself, but just imagine how fulfilling it will be to complete a whole novel in 30 days. While it does there is a competitive aspect to the program, you can write to help you be a better writer! There is also a Young Writers Program for writers 17 and younger. Instead of challenging yourself to the 50,000 word count, you get to set your own "reasonable-but-challenging" word count!
This is my first year participating in NaNoWriMo and I couldn't be more excited to complete a project so intensive. As I write this article, I am still not exactly clear as to how my story will flow but that's part of writing: the uncertainty of what is next to come.
You can write about any topic and any genre! The creativity of your novel is 117% up to you! You can write about a turkey (because it's November) on a spiritual journey to find itself or an elderly woman who is a sweet grandmother by day but a private investigator by night. The possibilities are endless.
If you are at all interested in participating in NaNoWriMo, you can go to their website and sign up for an account. You can also receive pep talks and newsletters from them throughout the month. When you finish your novel, you can 'validate' it on their website and submit it. Who knows? You might even receiev an award for your hard work! It's easy. It's free. It's fun.
Or, you can just write on your own! Open a Word document, a Google Doc or a notebook and put the pedal to the metal! That way you can have your own set deadlines and working speed without the pressures to meet your daily word count every day.
So, this is my call to all writers and creative beings! Write a novel this month. Open your mind and live your life! You wont regret it. Or you will, who knows. You wont unless you try!