As someone who writes several articles a week, whether for school, clubs, or just for the heck of it, it is often difficult to create new material that would spark a reader's interest. With this in mind, it's more often than not that I write topics on a wide range of topics, from music to local news, and it becomes clear that ideas for a career are much broader than they need to be by the time you reach senior year. With this in mind, let's examine the pros and cons of choosing writing as a career choice.
1. Creativity is your game
As a writer, you know how to take a small idea or fragment and turn it into something that is truly yours. Ideas are almost 100 percent yours and you don't flinch at accepting a challenge to stretch your abilities.
2. You don't stress for term papers
Sure you hate to write them, but you know that when you finally stop procrastinating from Netflix, you can crank out at least a B+ quality paper in less than one night.
3. You have a vocabulary that can't be exceeded by your friends
As a writer, you're using words like "catawampus" and "bodacious" to describe everything, People look at you like you're a nerd but you know that you come out as the smartest person in the room, and that's who we should all strive to be.
1. When people ask what you want to do after graduation
All you can tell them is that you want to write, no more, no less. After this response, you get a look of dissatisfaction and then a smile, usually followed by the phrase "Oh...that's nice.
2. Your friends come to you for grammatical assistance
There is always the one writer in the group that gets bombarded with questions on the weekend about MLA citations and formatting. You feel obligated to help, but then your weekend slowly gets picked away.
3. Anything less than a B on a paper is essentially failing
You have been trained to be a writer, yet you get back a 10-pager that you have been working on all semester and get a C+. "I can't handle this," "I need medication," "I'm done with school:" all of these thoughts race through your mind as heavy breathing ensues.