I'm sure all writers out there can recall some incident regarding writer's block. Writer's block can have someone second guessing their ideas to the point where they believe anything they put down is going to be awful. This thought process can be very hard to break. Where it comes from though is pretty dependent on the person. All writers can have the problem, but the problem can come about through any number of means. I have even found myself in this dilemma at this moment trying to think of an article idea to really write about. No matter what idea either I came up with, or someone else came up with to help me, I did not have the confidence in myself to write about it. I have really high standards for myself when it comes to anything I do. I want what I do to be the best it possibly can. It is because of these standards that it is very easy to down myself either for thinking of an idea or how I want to execute an idea. There are so many works out there that are so impressive, that writers need to be at a specific level if they want to be relevant to anyone. So, I want my works, no matter what they are, to be at that level too. Honestly, who would not?
This experience of writer's block has reminded me of a very important lesson I learned a couple of years ago in my creative writing class. My professor had made it a point to tell us to never let an idea slip away. Never let any inspiration that comes wait until tomorrow. A writer that does will have found that same idea is either lost or is now something of lesser value. Remember that even when just a day passes, a person is different from the person they were the day before. People are always growing and learning, no matter the size or rate in which they do. I let this happen to me and found myself paying for it dearly. I have had so much happen to me just this week alone. I have returned to school to start my Bachelor's degree. I am back to work as a tutor at the college. I had family fly in this weekend and I tried my best to enjoy as much time with them as I could. It would not surprise me if these factors ended up contributing to the writer's block happening as well. Oh yeah, and do not accept doing something that you are not actually ready for and almost end up screwing it up already. That is another topic for another time though.
Some may find it lazy to be writing about something that's happening to me right now just to get this article out there, but I think it is a good lesson to share. Either way though, thank you for taking the time to read. Feedback is heavily appreciated! Also, let me know of any incidents of writer's block you have had and what ways you have dealt with it!