Bored? Turn off Netflix and stretch those fingers, let's write a story! When I don't know what to write about, I resort to fiction because my imagination is always working overtime. Here is one of my favorite writing tasks:
Below you'll find a list of sentences that you have to write a story around. The line can be used as a creative jumping board or for an extra challenge you can work the line into your story.
I hope at least one of these sentences strikes inspiration!!
1. The first thing I saw when I went into my interview was the boss's pink and blue hair, wild and untamed sticking out of her hat and I wondered what kind of people they hired at this place.

2. I never knew someone could have a problem with my two moms until we moved to the Bible Belt.
3. Let me tell you why hard boiled eggs have always freaked me out.

4. Looking back now, I know that was the moment I should've left.
5. All I've ever wanted, all I've ever really wanted, was...
6. I could hear laughter on the other side of the door.
7. He asked me what my three wishes would be if I ever met a genie, but I was too embarrassed to answer.

8. But what did she expect me to say?
9. And everyone believed me!
10. Just follow my lead and we'll make it out alright.
11. Of course it was illegal.
12. I felt so bad but we were laughing uncontrollably.
13. I heard a dog barking and it sounded like it was coming from downstairs.

14. Well, I am never doing that again.
15. Sometimes I wonder what my dog is thinking.
16. I loved that light blue t-shirt.
17. My groggy eyelids lifted slowly, expecting to see my gross, lime green wallpaper, but to my surprise, the walls were white and the floor was brown. This room was not mine.
18. And then I found it in the back corner of my closet under an old shirt that must've fallen off the hanger.

19. That was the last time I saw him, so I knew this time would be pretty awkward to say the least...
20. Here's why pasta is my favorite food.
21. Do you want to know my weirdest habit?

22. I have to keep a secret, a big secret, but I just can't keep it in.
23. I should have made something up, anything would have been better than the truth.
24. I couldn't wait to get in there!
25. And that's the story of how I accidentally started dating two guys at once.

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