When you write for a platform like Odyssey, you submit each week. It can be difficult to always have something new and exciting to write about each week. Instead of finding yourself scouring the internet for ideas on what to write, reference this article for some fun ideas.
1. 15 Things All (insert college name here) Students Know
2. The Ins And Outs Of (insert town name here)
Big or small, it doesn't matter the size of your town. Each town has its own little quirks. Write an article on the best places to eat, shop, walk, etc.
3. 12 Date Ideas For The Fall
These ideas could range. They could be indoor or outdoor. They can be costly, or maybe they will be suited for those trying to save a few dollars.
4. A Letter To A Sibling
Maybe a thank you? Maybe a letter to let them know they can count on you.
5. A Letter To A Parent
In my opinion, letters are the best form of writing.
6. 10 Things Basic White Girls Do In The Fall
"I'll have a grande non-fat pumpkin spice latte, please."
7. The Struggles Of A College Student, As Told By SpongeBob
Seriously, though, SpongeBob can sum up feelings for any situation.
8. If College Majors Were Ice Cream
9. A Letter To Your Pet
10. A Letter To Your Best Friend
Are you catching on to how much I like writing letters?
11. Current events
Pick your poison. There is so much controversy going on in our world today that there are loads of topics to write about.
12. 5 Books All Bookworms Must Read
13. 10 Things To Do During A Snow Day
Let's be real, we are bound to have a record breaking winter this year.
14. Why Being Single Is A Good Thing
"Single and ready to mingle" isn't necessarily a bad thing.
15. An article about Odyssey article topics
Well, you've had to have been expecting this by now. When all else fails, write an article about Odyssey article topics.
Oh, writer's block. How I wish you would go away and never return. However, I think I've now found some good ideas for future articles. Stay tuned to see what I have up my sleeve!