Yeah, I know. Believe me, it feels just as bad as it sounds.
How can I call myself a writer if I don't write outside of class assignments? Where is my motivation? Seriously, do you know, and can you tell me where it's hiding?!
When I was in my young teens, I was overflowing with creativity. I'd write pages of prose with my own characters and those from TV shows or movies; I had ideas and I wanted to bring them to life.
It was as simple as that. At least, for a while.
I'm not sure what happened. Maybe it was my schedule getting busier with the end of high school and my introduction into the world of college and all the adjustment that comes along with that dramatic change. Maybe it had to do with a sudden change in my brain as I grew up in an area that impacts creativity.
Whatever the case, I've been struggling to write even one paragraph of creative prose for a long time. Considering this started at the end of high school and is still an issue today, I've actually been going through this for about six years.
That's an incredibly long time for me, an English major and Creative Writing minor, to be pushing against the wall of writer's block.
Thankfully, college has kept me more or less active, especially with the creative writing workshops I've taken over the semesters (poetry, fiction, and nonfiction). I just wish they could've cured me of this blight, because I'm tired of having no motivation to write!
I still have ideas I want to bring to life through writing. I have characters that are dying to speak and worlds that are waiting to be built. If I'd like to become a published writer (which I do), I have to write first!
Maybe post-undergrad will be a kinder time for me and I'll actually recover from my writer's block. Or, more realistically, power right through it and come out on the other side with a considerable number of pages to show for my work.
If any of you knows a golden ticket to getting through this, hit a girl up, because I'm done with writer's block!