Sometimes life is hard. Sometimes work is overwhelming. Sometimes staying home and binge watching Netflix while dozing into a deep sleep sounds ideal. Sometimes people are annoying. Sometimes writing is dreadful. Sometimes being alone sounds like the greatest thing in the universe. Sometimes I get writer's block. The most difficult situation I have encountered has been having writer’s block knowing I have an article due soon. It’s having no inspiration to write, no motivation to write, sometimes the creative juices just don’t want to flow. What am I doing this for? What does my audience want to read? How do I deliver that? In all honesty, I just want to take a nap. For three days. Maybe four. So here’s what I do when I encounter a bad case of writers block:
1. Cry
There are numerous theories for why we cry. My favorite is that we have too much of one emotion built up and we release it through tears. When writer's block hits hard, frustration builds up. Sometimes the only way to relieve writer's block is to cry out the frustration. Anyways, a good cry is always refreshing.
2. Scream
Scream into a pillow. Scream at the refrigerator. Scream into the void or your brother or the computer. Scream loud. Scream softly. Scream for a second. Scream for ten minutes. Just do it. You'll feel better.
3. Rage Quit
Sometimes it’s easiest to just let the world know that you are 100% done. The most effective way to do this is to just take a step back from the computer, scream (see above), inform everyone you encounter that you are "So done," then take a nap (see below).
4. Take a Nap
Sleep makes all of life’s problems disappear. For a little while at least. Whether it be twenty minutes or three hours, you may still not know what to write about but at least you'll feel better.
These don't work 100% all of the time, but every once in a while they do help. As of right now, all four of them are working perfectly at helping me relieve the stress of writer's block. However, I'm still lacking motivation and inspiration.