1. Sitting down only to realize you have no idea what to talk about.
Words that used to flow out easily are now stuck in your brain. Every word you have ever learned throughout your life and seemingly useless now. The best you can do at the moment is stare at a computer screen, wishing that you could magically get super powers that would make words appear on the screen.
2. Lots of brainstorming
The best thing you can do is sit down and think of every idea possible and write it down immediately. Your Google search history ends up being filled with you searching for ideas. You may even end up searching for articles about writer's block (guilty is charged.)
3. Getting distracted and taking a break.
Either your phone buzzes or you see something in the surrounding area that makes your mind jump somewhere else. It's okay if you look at it though, right? You did in fact brainstorm so many (100% sarcasm) ideas. You just need to relax and come back to it and it will be so easy.
4. Messing around in hopes of coming up with something good.
You just need to free your mind and distract yourself for the words to come to you. Now is the perfect time to start a new hobby, maybe even being able to write towards a different audience than you have.
5. Finally deciding on writing a tear-jerking article.
Who doesn't love an article that hits you right in the feelings and may even make a tear fall from your eye? There's a part of you that wants to see your readers being so touched by the material you're writing.
6. Turning on some music to get you in the zone.
Sometimes, a good song is all you need to free your mind. It's different for everyone though. Maybe some classical music is all you need to get down to business, or maybe it's a song you can jam out to.
7. Getting distracted and turning into a one-man dance party.
Turns out Britney is not what you need to get down to business, but it's okay because you know you'll get back to writing soon. For the time being, you decide to just dance it out.
8. Being tired and hungry from dancing so much so you take a snack break.
Everyone gets hungry, it's only normal for you to take a snack break. It doesn't really matter how close you are to finishing your work, it's not good to make your stomach wait.
9. Finally getting back to work.
It's so easy to bullsh*t what you're writing. All you have to do sometimes is describe everything in more depth until you finally reach the minumum word count and you're all set to go.
10. Finishing what you set out to create.
Congrats, you made it.