In our lives, we all have moments when we run out of ideas. Right now during my final Christmas Break as a college student, I currently have no topic I want to explore. Yes, there is politics, but that can be risky more now then ever. I can write about movies, but I have done that before. I could also write about Christmas, but I am positive that is a common topic this month.
Being creative while I write is easy once I have an idea of what to write. Now, my head feels blank as I think of ideas, which is normal for even the most talented and experienced writer. Though using gifs is overrated, I feel that they are useful to show how all of us feel when we run out of ideas every once in a while.
You have no ideas, so you decide to make a list of topics to write about.
However, your head starts to hurt when you try to think up a clever topic.
You brainstorm the best you can, even if sometimes it doesn't go as planned.
You then gain inspiration from an episode of your favorite show.
Until you realize your technically copying an idea that has been done before.
You start to worry as you notice the dead line is sooner than you expected.
You also feel pressured when others are more creative then you.
Finally, you gain motivation to start writing, feeling stressed about one less thing.