It's kind of like leaping off the edge of a cliff.
Handing someone a few leaves of paper with all of your hopes and dreams scrawled across it, loopy letters and all.
Or writing that first article after a LONGmental health hiatus.
Or even just sending that text message (or DM because let's face it -maybe you just aren't on that level yet).
Sometimes, it's better just to say it -write it, do it.
This is the article where I ask you to keep telling your story. Write it down. Speak it aloud. Sit down at your computer, or with that Mexican restaurant napkin, or your very cute notebook you keep carrying around, hoping that one day you'll have the courage to ruin it with your lazy scrawl...and ruin it.
Write those words. Send that text. Write it down so you can laugh about it in five years (or cry about it in three weeks). Who knows, maybe that next thinkpiece you did will become the opening story for your memoir? Maybe that crappy fanfiction you wrote as a junior in college will turn into the next bestseller.
Tell your story. It's worth it.