I grew up in an English teacher’s home.
From kindergarten on up, I learned the value of books and words in general. By the age of 10 I had finished all 52 of the original Nancy Drew books (I still secretly believe one day I’ll have a dusty blue roadster) and by 12 I was “attempting” to read Jane Austen. My Dad read every single one of the Chronicles of Narnia aloud to us. I was surrounded by WORDS. This article is not meant to come across arrogant, but to merely express why I find writing my weekly articles so important. Yes, I may be awful at meeting the deadlines, and yes my topics may become repetitive, but my voice is important to me.
Last year, in a meeting with the previous principal of Westminster Schools of Augusta, he looked me straight in the eyes and said, “You have the opportunity to write your story”. This was not the first time I had heard this. My mom had spoken it over me multiple times and various others had received words of knowledge, amounting to the same.
So what was I supposed to do with this? I struggled to find an outlet that provided the structure I needed, but the freedom I desired. That’s when I found Odyssey. Odyssey is not perfect by any means, but it has provided a platform for me to share my thoughts on political events and more. Finding my voice was a long road, but having a place where I have the freedom to develop ideas and share them with those around me has been an incredible experience. No, I’m not the next Pulitzer Prize winner, and commas may be my enemy. But this in no way minimizes my story. So for all of those who have read my articles week after week. THANK YOU. Thank you for allowing me to tell my story, thank for bearing with me through awful grammar mistakes and messed up headline pictures.