Despite my shy demeanor, I'm an open book. I'm willing to sit down and share all of my life's problems, desires, whatever may spike your curiosity. Typically, I'll wait for others to ask me directly, or for an opportunity in which I can pour my heart out through words; verbally and on paper.
My ultimate goal in life is to impact audiences with my writing. Whether it is read by others off of Odyssey, or being spoken by myself off of a manuscript, I long to establish a connection with my audience and alter their perceptions. When given an opportunity to do so, I will push myself to the fullest extent, both inside and outside the classroom.
Recently, I was required to present a speech in my Public Speaking class that would serve as an introduction to our classmates. We chose a task or experience that we wanted to avoid doing or being apart of, and listed activities we would rather do than the aforementioned task. I took this opportunity to inject humor throughout my speech; each lament being original to me and allowing the class to smirk along in agreement.
The end of my speech began to delve a little deeper into my personality. Specifically, my religious beliefs and career goals were mentioned, shining a light on more "serious" topics of discussion, but ones that I embraced with open arms. I am not ashamed to speak of the elements that make me who I am, nor discuss the deeper meanings behind why I write.
I was not directly complimented on my speech, therefore I began to have doubts as to whether or not I touched anyone through the words I had composed. That is, until this week.
A classmate from Public Speaking approached me as we made our way upstairs for class and introduced himself. He said that my introduction speech was really good, and acknowledged the courage I had to share my beliefs in front of a group of students. He mentioned that he had been thinking about my speech for a while, but hadn't gotten the chance to let me know how he felt.
This compliment was given to me just as I was about to deliver my second speech for the class. Timing is everything. God KNOWS what He's doing.
Knowing that I can affect just one person out of a crowd is the reason why I continue to do what I do. I may not be told by everyone around me that my writing has affected them, but this interaction proves that it goes a much longer way than being read and dismissed.
Share your voice with your peers, family, whoever you choose as your audience. You just might be surprised by the response you'll get!