I was going to write a super hard-hitting, political article today, but I don't feel like it. The truth is, I'd rather be sitting outside doing nothing.
I knew I had to pick up the laptop, my articles are due every Friday. The issue? I had no ideas, not a single one. I could publish a story, people like stories right? I could publish a poem? No, this is Odyssey. I can't publish a poem on Odyssey.
The fact is, I've given up too much when I didn't want to do something. Last year, I was guilty of staying home when it got to be too much. This year? I'm powering through.
We all have to do things we don't want to do. We don't all like our jobs all of the time. We don't always like our majors. Sometimes you just have to power through to get to where you want to be. That's what I'm doing, I'm building a portfolio.
Whatever it is that you do, powering through the bad days is the first step. The second step is keeping your working space neat and organized. For me, that means cleaning my room, which I also didn't want to do. It means doing my laundry.
It's hard when your health isn't 100% and your mind is in seven different places. It's also hard when you have no idea what to write about, what to do that project on or what to even eat for dinner.
Writers block translates to life, it's life block. We don't always know what we want or what we're doing- and sometimes our executive function just turns off- but we know we have to do it.
I bet you every college kid has opened up a word document to write an essay and has come up completely blank. I'm sure every student has made up a paper at the last minute, and I'm sure every college student has paced her dorm room in procrastination or vacuumed when she hasn't vacuumed all week.
There are all things I've done while trying to write this article, but I'll keep pressing on, and so should you. Write that paper, do that project, learn that song, and be the student you want to be. It's hard, but we have to do it. You owe it to yourself.
Keep pushing on.