Wright State University is cutting back, everyone. We're tightening our belts and waiting until 9 in the morning to open our Starbucks. Wright State swimmers and divers competed in the Horizon League for the last time in February. Russian, Italian, and Japanese language programs were dropped out of the budget last summer. We're losing our programs and raising tuition. Here's what's going to happen next:
Purchase Used or Refurbished Items
Our Wright State University police officers will have their vehicles replaced with an equal number of 2005 Honda Civics.
Public Domain Theatre Productions
"Chicago" is great but we can do free "Sherlock Holmes" stories for decades.
Instead of calling CATs we will now be forced to watch the bravest person in class try to get this power point presentation to work.
Get Rid of Straws
Places a lot less broke than we are have already started to figure this out.
Keep Reducing the Maintenance Budget
Clean bathrooms are a luxury that should be reserved for fancy hotels and restaurants.
Use '24-hour Rule' with Large Purchases
24 hours should be plenty of time to decide if we can pay for multi-million dollar building projects.
Sign Up For Free Trial Programs
I don't know how much we're paying for students to use Microsoft Office but I do know that they offer a 1-month free trial and we have loads of e-mail addresses.
Replace Napkins with Re-usable Linens
Hopefully someone around here knows how to fold them into animals.
Always Heat Up the Leftovers
One thing you can say about the food here is that it doesn't always get finished.
Use Store Brand Alternatives
It's a lateral move from Pike Place to Classic Roast at the coffee shop.
Students in Study Abroad programs will enjoy the unique opportunity of living with a surprise host family!
Henry's mom, Katherine, can do Wednesdays and Thursdays if you can just do Friday and maybe Monday every once in a while.
Office hours will now double as nanny hours available to our students with children.
Manage Subscriptions
Even Wright State University owes L.A. Fitness $49 a year.
Use the Library
We're going to borrow our library books from another library.