"Guns don't kill people, people kill people."
"A crazy person will kill people with or without a gun."
"A criminal willing to kill people is going to get a weapon whether it's legal or not."
These are the three main arguments I hear in regards to the mass shootings that are crippling this country. Living in the south, I hear these phrases too often to ignore. While I understand where your intentions sit, and I know that given my geographical standpoint my opinion is not very welcomed to say the least, I digress. What I wish some folks would understand is this:
More than 80 percent of guns used in mass shootings are obtained LEGALLY. Not only are they obtained legally, but they are obtained without obstruction and with extreme ease. For example, Omar Mateen purchased the weapons just days before he committed mass murder in Orlando. Despite his history of violent abuse, mental instability, and not one - but TWO investigations led the FBI, this man bought a semi-automatic pistol, and a military grade assault rifle with a high capacity magazine from a federally licensed firearms dealer. No questions asked … and a few days later, 49 people are dead. And sure, you can say that weapons didn't kill all those people, Mateen did. Makes perfect sense until you look at the logistics of that argument. But when you say that guns are only a proximate cause in these cases, you are leading a fallacious argument.
OK … let me put this in a different perspective. Lawnmowers don't mow lawns, people do. But, if you want to efficiently mow a considerable amount of grass in a timely fashion, without strenuous effort, you will most likely require a lawnmower. And heck, if you're serious about mowing this lawn, you might as well get the best lawnmower out there which allows you to get the job done at the best potential rate possible. On top of that, all you have to do is go down to the local Walmart and purchase this fine mower with no hassle whatsoever. Problem solved! You are now able to mow down vast fields of grass with minimal effort.
77 percent of mass killings (which is classified as four or more people) involve a gun. Sure, people use a range of weapons from their hands to baseball bats, to saws. But - the death toll in those particular cases isn't anywhere near that of the damage guns hold. Being killed by a gun in the United States is about as likely as dying of a car accident. But don't worry, the rate of gun violence in the United States isn't the highest in the world. Parts of Central America, Africa, and the Middle East have us beat. However, that's just gun violence itself. When it comes down to full on gun massacres, the United States is witness to more than any other country in the world. While the U.S. is home to only 5 percent of the world's population, it has had nearly a third of the world's mass shootings. In case you weren’t aware, America has a lot of guns. And when I say “a lot,” I don’t mean it in the casual terms of someone saying “Oh man I just ate a lot of pizza,” a lot. I literally mean an unfathomable amount of guns. Not only does the United States hold the number one rank for mass shootings, we also take the prize for the amount of guns owned by civilians. ‘MERICA! Coincidence? Some people seem to believe it is. Lastly, for those who are sitting here reading this wondering "Yeah but how many armed civilians have stopped these shootings?" The answer is 0. Zero mass shootings to this day have been halted by a heroic individual who is armed.
I know that I can’t be the only one who feels a sense of urgency sparked by the recent events in Orlando. Pulse is a popular gay nightclub that is apart of some people’s casual nightly routines to simply have fun; A place they go to so they can feel a sense of belonging. Truth be told, this could have happened to anyone. There are plenty of crazies in this world, and there’s just as much populated public areas. I don’t know about you, but I honestly don’t feel content with the fact that they’re easily able to go purchase a gun specifically made to kill people. We are a nation that is more permissive of a man with a gun in his hand rather than another man's hand in his. While conservatives and liberals sit here and only argue over what motives may be, we are only fueling their hatred into action by indisputably allowing guns to reach their hands. America praises the second amendment, and that's OK. No one is trying to strip you of that right; Don't be alarmed. Your recreational use of guns and protection that they offer are not being threatened. The motive is not to disarm America's citizens. If you are a law abiding citizen, you should have no protest to reform that would more appropriately regulate the gun industry. The goal is to keep these weapons regulated to the extent that they do not end up in the wrong hands. How many people have to die until we take action? Not only for the safety of our future and for our children's future ... But for the countless amount of people in our nation's past who have fallen victim to this all too common atrocity.
Each victim had a story ... People whom they shared memories with ... Dreams ... Ambitions ... A life filled with laughter ... They were all taken away because we can't overcome this matter. What progress are we making by contending with one another due to political ties, personal motives, and other petty differences? Our president recently spoke out about the criticism he was receiving for not immediately using the term radical Islam. To this, Obama explained “Calling a threat by a different name does not make it go away, this is a political distraction.” Americans need to unite now more than ever. Our nation is at a pivotal moment and it can no longer be ignored that gun reform is necessary. Strict regulations are imperative, and the idea of banning weapons of war once again in our country needs to be visited. Do not be swayed by political distractions. You can continue to blame Muslims, ban them, judge them on preconceived notions and strip them of their rights as American citizens, but I will choose differently. I choose to not wage a war on a entire religious group because of their faith. I choose to take the path that provides liberty for all, and not just some because of xenophobic tendencies. I choose to come together for an answer rather than divide our nation when unity is needed most. I choose to stand for change because justice for those we have lost will not come without it. If you are compelled to choose change for common sense reform, now is the time to let your senator hear your support. Be on the right side of history in the political revolution that finally said enough is enough.
"The world will not be destroyed by those who do evil, but by those who watch them without doing anything." - Albert Einstein
"If you are neutral in situations of injustice, you have chosen the side of the oppressor." - Desmond Tutu